I'll find you in the bright colours and quite places, always remembered beautiful Elizabeth - Auntie K

Tuesday, October 26

Day 13

A fictional book that has meaning to you since your loss?

There is none that spring to mind.
I've not got time or patience to sit around and read fiction.  
There is so much I want to read that is non-fiction, all on baby-lost and trying again.  
I read the blogs and sites relating to all things baby-lost.  
I hate it is all I want to read about, there are no other interesting subjects - its a need.  
Everything pales compared to this sadness and pain I carrying around with me all the time.
I guess I'm searching for a way to connect, to have my confused emotions put down in a way that I can relate to.

Is this all I'm destined for?
Is this all I'm going to find I can relate to?
This is bollocks!
Fuck it!

Why has this bubble bust? 
I was coping to an extent. 
Why has the fact that my mother is here affected me so much?
Why is my world on its head again, when I couldn't even crawl, let alone stand?

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