I'll find you in the bright colours and quite places, always remembered beautiful Elizabeth - Auntie K

Wednesday, August 3


I had a dream a few mornings ago that has stayed with me, with an awesome aftertaste. I know I dream, just as everyone else does, its the remembering of those dreams that I have trouble with. This dream was so vivid, so bright and colourful and the feelings that came with it - absolutely special!

I was holding Amelia, she was just born, warm and small; about the size she is inside me now. She was beautifully pink with the glow of fresh life, her eyes open gazing at me with her green/blue eyes. Her hair was short, but dark (darker than Elizabeth's spun golden hair) and oh so beautifully fine and soft. The top of her head had this wonderful bagginess feeling to it under my hand and fingers; so cute with those pink ripples of soft silky skin and hair, just like the smooth ripples of water. I could feel it under my kisses, smell her in and feel her warmth. That is the part that I dip into to make me smile from my heart.

The dream did get a little weird after that; she was telling what she wanted to do that day and then she grew up a month or so in a flash of an eye - but those images and feelings are seared into my mind and heart and that has given me a confidence that I never thought possible. I am so connected to her right now - I've held her in my dreams as I already do in my heart and just can't wait to hold her in my arms for real. This confidence is real (for now) and I can see Amelia being born alive. She is a part of our family and a very real person to me already, and to A. too. I am so thankful to have remembered this awesome part of my mornings dream, it has helped make a leap of bonding with her - as it would be so easy to just wait and hedge our bets until she emerged in our arms a few months from now.

Pregnancy Update
I found the Pumpkin Pages again; I haven't a clue where they went, but their back and updated again.
I saw some pregnancy updates much like these on other blogs, so have adopted one of my own to try and keep all the information as brief as possible(ish).

27 weeks

27 weeks - August 1st
How are you physically?
Feeling good on the whole, Amelia is so active!
Sleeping good with a few vivid dreams - but maybe that is just because A. is on nights at the moment?
Getting really full on fluids; uncomfortably so and then not having any room to eat. I've put on another kilo and my belly really does feel bigger, my stomach smaller.
I've not been hit with too much tiredness and have had a very productive week really.

How are you doing emotionally?
Not bad at all - I'm really on top of everything I wanted to complete before Elizabeth's birthday, I'm getting so much done - I think I'm keeping myself really busy so I've not got the time to take stock, but it's all things that I've been putting off; you know the jobs that I just thought that would magically get done within her first year, well I am doing them now - feels like nesting of sorts.

Hospital appointments and clinical
Nothing new at Penny's appointment last Thursday, although we got to see Amelia - highlight of my two week wait and had the Glucose Tolerance Test then; I'll take it no news is good news (fingers crossed). Saw my psychologist last week too and she's starting to wear a little thin - she loves the sound of her voice and doesn't appear to listen to what I say. Anyway, no appointments for this week at the hospital - that has got to be the first!

26 weeks up 0.5kg
27 weeks up 1.0kg!

Signature Hot Chocolate - still I just can't get enough of them and have to really limit myself when I'm in the city, they just bloat me up and end up sloshing around the city.

Preparations & Plans
All Elizabeth's cards are done and sent. Photos are in frames and up.
All photos are waiting a day where I can play loud music (A. has been sleeping the days) to get her photo album sorted; at least all photos are printed now.
I now have space in my head to think more seriously about working on Elizabeth's Tree tapestry again, but still have Bunny to finish. This flash of creative energy I think has been ignited by the prospect of a 6 week Creative Art Group lead by the SIDS & Kids that starts this week.


  1. What an amazing dream to have and to remember...lucky you!!! Looks like pregnancy is treating you very well...congrats on 27 weeks!!!

  2. A beautiful dream indeed! And keeping so busy and focused which I am sure is a good thing right now for you both mentally and physically. Thinking of you and your little ones and you look so beautiful Tess. I am so happy for you my friend! Love always~

  3. Beautiful dream. I never seem to have dreams about my kids, living or dead. I had one dream about Hope, but it wasn't overly nice. And it was only a few months after she died.
    You look absolutely beautiful, by the way. Pregnancy certainly suits you.
    Thinking of you all month.

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. Elizabeth is beautiful. I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy with Amelia. :)

  5. *As soon as I posted I realized I should have said losses -- I am so sorry for your losses.*
